First Steps with Rasbian

Today I freshly installed Raspian on a new SD card; basically it’s just dd’ing the downloaded image to the SD card, e.g. on MacOSX:

sudo dd if=2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/rdiskX bs=1m

Please do not blindly run the command above as you need to know the correct device number, so replace the X with something that indicates your SD card. If you are new to this, good idea is to follow the documentation of RPi Easy SD Card Setup. It contains installation instructions from most common OS versions like Linux, MacOSX, or Windows.

First thing I wanted to figure out is details about hardware and monitoring. I found that the Broadcom VideoCore tools are useful for this and already installed on the system in /opt/vc/. With the command vcgencmd can you e.g. request the core temperature of the Broadcom SoC:

pi@pi2 /opt/vc $ /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp

More details about vcgencmd can be found on’s RPI vcgencmd usage page or, with a complete command overview, here:

RIP Cobalt, Hello Raspberry Pi

To be honest, I didn’t use my Cobalt system no longer for quite a while now. As I still believe that the design was pretty good and the systems are working without any serious issue, it’s time to make place for new, even better designs and technology.

In the meantime I own two Raspberry Pi‘s Model B Boards:

Raspberry Pi Model B Board
Raspberry Pi Model B Board

It build around a SoC (System on Chip) Broadcom BCM2835 with ARM11 700 Mhz CPU, dual core GPU with 1080p30 Full HD HP H.264 Video Encode/Decode on HDMI port, (XBMC is running like a charm, will report later), one 10/100 wired Ethernet RJ45 port and two USB 2.0 interfaces, Composite video and so on.

Details of the Boards can be found on the RPi Hardware page.